Sunday, September 21, 2008

Second Verse Same as the First!

This week we did get an update from our adoption agency. The referrals that they talked about the end of August have not come through yet. They are HOPING to give referrals before October. We are not sure if we will get a referral in this group anymore.
On a lighter note, Gavin loves school!!! It is keeping us very busy. I also start float building for homecoming this week so that will be fun too! The busier I am the less I have time to think about the "wait" or check the internet:) Have a great week everyone!


Mindy said...

This waiting seems never ending, doesn't it!?! Hoping SOMEBODY hears some good news this week or next!!!

Matt DeWitt said...

glad gavin loves school. check out my updates.

Matt DeWitt said...

Julie, where is your twitter page? I can't find it.

atHisrighthand said...

Glad your son loves school! HOpe you can make the next prayer meeting! We missed ya!
Also hoping that we all get some amazing news soon!