Saturday, March 22, 2008


Well, Thursday was a very eventful night for our family. We met with about 15 other families at an Ethiopian restaurant in Eastown. It was the first time Gavin was able to meet or see other Ethiopian children. It was the first time Brandon and Gavin were asked to eat the food.... Gavin turned out to be incredibly shy, he was surveying the situation all night and kind of watching the other children but not interacting!!!! Both Brandon and Gavin bravely tried the food, but neither liked it and had a bowl of cereal when we got home! The evening of fellowship was great though, I was able to put some names with faces and look forward to the next time we will be able to meet other families.
Each experience is new and exciting:)


Karen said...

Thank you for setting it up, Julie! It was nice meeting you!!

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

Thanks again for setting it all up. I hardly got a chance to meet you, hopefully we will have another time at another gathering.


Denise Bryant said...

Thanks so much for organizing that night, it was so great!

Jessica Perberg said...

Julie, I just found your blog:-) We really enjoyed Gojo and Tebebe(sp?). He was a wealth of info and so generous to come and share with us; thanks so much for organzing that!It was nice to finally meet you:-)