Sunday, February 22, 2009

God, Master of breakthroughs

We prayed as a congregation today. Favor in adoption. The devil is on attack. He wants to rob my family of our joy and keep us apart.
Pastor was speaking to our family today...
"Decide to stand against the devil and God will stand with you. God will bring victory."
"The devil/situation may be a giant to us, but not to God."
"God is the master of breakthroughs. When a situation seems impossible it is his speciality."

We will stand up and pray for a breakthrough!


Mindy said...

Please know that I have been praying day and night for your adoption and the others with court on Wednesday! I am praying that we all get good news later today that court can go on as scheduled!

Anonymous said...

I believe my sister's court date was scheduled on the same days as yours. I know how frustrating and unfair the process sometimes seems to be. I struggle watching my sister Joanna and her husband experience emotions I can't quite understand. I can only imagine if I was seprated from my two daughters. I pray for all the families waiting to be with their child. Please know, my thoughts are with you.

Matt DeWitt said...

Nice pics