Monday, May 5, 2008

Golden Ticket!!

IT is here and I cannot believe it! On Friday we got the I-171H, I was talking with Brandon on the phone and opened the mailbox and it was there. The funny thing was that I had a feeling when I got home from school, but thought it was too early to get it so why even check the mailbox?!? I was walking around while one the phone and decided hey why not just get the mail.... What an awesome surprise! We have a few documents to finish for the dossier, but talked with our agency and should be all set by Wednesday.


Denise Bryant said...

Congratulations on getting the "golden ticket"! That is wonderful.

Mindy said...

Congratulations, Julie! Isn't that the best feeling in the world when it FINALLY arrives!?! Good luck getting all the final documents in order this week...I'm excited for you to join the ranks of the "waiting!"

atHisrighthand said...

Yeah Julie! This is so wonderful! Doesn't it feel good to get another step closer!

HollyMarie said...

Congratulations!!!!! How long did it take for your I-171H to come after fingerprinting? Just curious as I know some people who are waiting and wondering on current wait times. :) Your dossier will be on its way soon!

HollyMarie said...

nevermind my question, I see it on your timeline! ;) :D

Matt DeWitt said...

good job

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! We're so excited for you!