Monday, March 16, 2009

Plugging away!

I don't have much to post except that we are leaving in 10 days for Washington!!!! Grayson's room is full of luggage and clothes, although nothing is in the luggage yet.
I did want to mention a few things in this short post.
First, I wanted to thank Rob, my student, for making the pictures for Grayson's room and managed to make a full size R2D2 for Gavin too. I appreciate your artistic ability!
Second, we were blessed with an anonymous gift last week. It was given with a letter that simply asked for us to bring home treasures for our boys from Ethiopia. I don't know who you are, but thank you. You have blessed our family.
Well, until next time...


Mindy said...

Counting down the days with you...and thanks for sharing that you aren't packed yet...that makes me feel better because we definitely aren't either and we at least have a week extra. :) Very cool that someone blessed your family the way they did!!! Happy Count Down....

atHisrighthand said...

So excited! woo hoo! yeah yeah yeah! it is coming up!!!


Farmboy and Buttercup said...

You are SO close to having your little one in your arms!

Hope you are winding down and enjoying the last few moments with Gavin before his little bro usurps the attention for a while.

Take care!

You know if I were not going away for spring break, I would love to see your arrival at the airport. I am so thrilled for your family!